
Expanding capabilities: 2iQ Sustainability Advice

Just over six years after the inception of 2iQ Management & Consultancy, we are expanding our capabilities. A new company has joined the family: 2iQ Sustainability Advice. It is based on shared values but with a complementary set of new skills and experiences. By joining forces and combining our networks, we are now able to support an ever-wider set of clients with their challenges in today’s business environment.

Sourcing and Sustainability: An Interesting Combination

For some, sustainability is hype and only associated with CO2 reduction and electric cars. A similar short-sighted prejudice only associates sourcing with procurement. In such a limited view, the two topics seem to be far and wide apart.

But both topics encompass so much more:

  • Sourcing is about optimizing value chains across multiple companies, making strategic choices about what should be done in-house and what can best be delegated to business partners, ensuring governance across multiple companies, and continuously optimizing collaboration in ever-changing ecosystems.
  • Sustainability is about long-term harmony with people and the planet while engaging in profitable business. Closing loops in a transformation towards a circular economy requires collaboration between multiple companies, both in short-term compliance and long-term optimization.

Thus formulated, sourcing and sustainability are basically different sides of the same coin. Sourcing is about creating sustainable value in a business ecosystem. Considering physical ecosystems is only a small expansion in our worldview.

More information will follow shortly

The easy part is setting up a new company with VAT and CoC numbers. Creating a network of like-minded people with relevant capabilities was already an ongoing effort. The next step is detailing the new company’s portfolio and finding the right clients. Stay tuned for additional information in the coming months and years. The combination has a joint history of over 25 years, and we are looking forward to being in business together as well.