Happy New Year! 2022
Reflections on 2021…
Last year this time, I thought Covid could be a one-year thing. I was proven wrong. Two vaccinations later, we’re scheduled for a booster in early January, and the end is not yet in sight. Even so, the upsides of a pandemic also continue to apply. Multiple non-commute days a week and regular family dinners in full attendance are definitely on the post-pandemic list.
As office workers, my colleagues and I are now entirely in the flow of working remotely. Yes, occasionally there is the “you are on mute!” comment and sharing screens is still a challenge for some, but in general, we are doing it like Big Tech wants us to. Good for us! But honestly: the return of coffee corner gossip in 2022 would be much appreciated.
Business-wise, not a lot has changed. We had some opportunities to pitch Agile Sourcing and received great feedback, but no follow-up activity (yet). And the novel? That is still an ambition, five chapters in, and the plot is ripening further in my head.
A better world
In 2021 we made another investment in being carbon neutral. We are now driving fully electric. Although this is a giant leap for the Snijder family, it is only a small step for the planet. As every journey starts with a first step, we all must move in this direction sooner rather than later. With first-hand experience, now on two and four wheels, I consider myself an early adopter. Happy to help you get convinced that EV is the way to go.
Plans for 2022
Professionally: our internal ICT provider (JIO) will become a separate entity apart from the Dutch CIA (Custodial Institutions Agency aka ‘the prisons’, Dutch: DJI)). We invested a lot of time setting up the proper governance and contracts in the past months. From January 1st onwards, the proof of the pudding will be in the eating. It will be interesting to learn whether the relationship matures when we transform from an internal to a client-vendor model.
And on a personal level, there are the usual intentions to live up to: exercise more, acquire at least one new skill (I’m contemplating drawing) and finish the novel. But most importantly, don’t let any disaster or pandemic distract from spending quality time with friends and family.
All the best
I remain optimistic: this winter may be the last one of the pandemic! So enjoy your zoom calls while they last. For you and those close to you, I wish you joy, health and happiness in 2022.